
Dear students ,

Please find the questionnaire for Yoga day.Students those who are interested for quiz on yoga day ,need to prepare from this questionnaire.

Vacation Homework Circular 

Other details mentioned below:

1.  Camp dates - 29th May to 5th June 2020 (7 day camp)

2.   One hour session each

3.   Courses – football and basketball

4.   Each batch will have around 20-25 students

5.   Workshop timings – 3 sets [age appropriate]

6.    Enrolment link:

7.   Price - Rs. 1000 inclusive of 18% GST per child per sport

8.  Digital certificate to be provided at the end of the camp

9.   Registrations to close on Thursday, 28th May 2020

10.  Sessions to kick-off on 29th May 2020.

11. Kindly note, that the workshop is completely optional.
Dear Parent,
Since kids were not attending school, it was much required that they get engaged through virtual classes for some time during the day.  Since there were clear instructions from government that school and colleges to remain closed in the period of lock down, we treated Virtual Schooling as a serious arrangement for our children so that they do not lose their mental focus during the unusually long stay at home time. We hope that keeping them engaged with academics helped them to have a purpose in life during these difficult times so that when   after a huge gap they join school, they are able to adjust and align easily. The way we understand child psychology and have been consulting expert’s world over, common advice is to take care of our kids' smart and very productive minds during these troubled times and think about how our children can come out of this global crisis with minimum or no mental/emotional/behavioural hang over. I thank each one of you for your overwhelming support to our Podarites, our teachers and staff. 
We are grateful for your enthusiasm, encouragement and feel proud to inform that after   monitoring the current school education scenario in the entire country it is observed that we all together were doing a great proactive service to our children. 
This year summer holidays will not be usual holidays for kids like previous years. Lot of restrictions, precautions and fears will be there regarding their outside activities for fun and relaxation. Kindly note the Summer Vacation will be from 4th May 2020 to 10th June 2020 for grade I to V. 
"May Fun" activities will be uploaded on Betweenus portal to keep our children engaged at home in a productive manner. It will also be sent through whatsapp and uploaded on blogs. The school will reopen on 11th June, 2020* (tentative date). The date shall be once again reviewed considering the prevailing conditions, safety and Government issued advisory. The school reopening date or the information about the Virtual classes shall be informed to you through SMS and whatsapp message. Stay at home, Stay Safe.
With my love and prayers for all

Virtual school Plan Guide...Please check the below link,

Exam Tips
                 ·        WAYS TO COMBAT LAST MINUTE EXAM STRESS
o   Please over read the portion and learn what is important.
o   If you have prepared notes go through those.

o   Write or make a note of important points or words as you read.

o   Memories the key words, make interesting short forms especially for theory topics.

o   Do not waste too much time on the last evening of the exam. Last evening is very important.

o   Read what you have already done before. Do not attempt to study new portion for the first time just on the eve of the exams.

o   TV and computer should be avoided even during break times. Instead jump, sing, dance, or go and play football or cricket with your younger siblings or friends.

o   If you get tired or bored of one topic switch the topic or take help from your parents tell them read to you.

o   Eat well. Avoid overeating. Avoid too much caffeine or frizzy drinks, instead drink water and have fruit. Sleep well at least for six hours.


o   Wake up at least two hours before the exam time. Have a food breakfast.

o   Carry your confidence and positive with the necessary stationery and your examination slip.

o   Reach the exam center half an hour before the scheduled time.

o   Avoid those people who make you nervous.

o   If you want to read something finds a quiet corner and do it

o   Stop studying five minute before exam.

o   Everyone fears that they will blank out during exams and forget everything, but you need to reassure yourself that you will do your best

o   When you sit for the exam just close your eyes pray, meditate and just calm down and focus all your energies

o   Attempt what you know best first.

o   Concentrate on what you know rather than worrying about what you don’t.

o   If  you do not know an answer, go to the next one and come back to this last.

o   Attempt all the questions and keep a watch on the time.

o   If you have extra time go through the paper and check for the silly mistakes especially in math

o   At any time if you start panicking stop writing and drink some water close your eyes, concentrate on your breathing, calm down and start writing again.

o   Go home and relax…eat, sleep and chill for sometime before you start preparing for the next exam.

o   Do not discuss the paper once it is over.

o   Focus on the next paper even if you have not done well.


o   Create an atmosphere, which helps children to study.

o   Do not shout, scream or watch TV on loud volume when your kids are studying.

o   If your child looks too anxious hug him/her, make him/her comfortable.

o   Do not give unnecessary lectures. Instead calmly help them to resolve their anxiety.

o   You can only handle their stress if you yourself are calm.

o   Please screen phone calls and avoid relatives who try to make kids more nervous by giving unnecessary advice.

o   Discussion of exam papers after an examination should be strictly avoided.

o   Lastly it is very important to give positive messages like DO YOUR BEST AND LEAVE THE REST and ENJOY YOUR EXAMS rather than treating them if they were soldiers going for war.Educational Field Trip for Grade 3 to 9

for new sudents admitted this year in podar






