Chapter 1 (plants make food)

Chapter -2(flower)



Workbook Answer Scheme of Plants make                      Food

worksheet of E.V.S
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Chapter 6  Plants make food 

Workbook  of Types of Plants 


Chapter 5 Types of Plants

  Extra worksheets









                                        Weekly test Paper
     Subject-EVS                            STD-4                          Total marks- 15m              

 A. Fill in the blanks: -                                                                                         2 1/2m
 a. The Panchayat Samiti is the government at __________ level.
 b. Fuels have __________ energy locked in them.
 c. The law making body is the legislature known as the ____________.
 d. ____________ energy helps us to hear.
 e. ___________ is the natural source of energy.

B. Write True or False :-                                                                                      2 1/2m
a. The state government looks after the individual state.
b. Plants use wind energy to make food in the green leaves.
c. The Prime Minister is more powerful and leader of the Government.
d. Fuels when burnt release energy.
e. Any object that moves have no energy in it.

C. Name the following:-                                                                                      4x1m
a. Government at the district level.
b. The energy that we get from the Earth
c. The process of choosing leaders
d. The local self government at the smaller cities

D. Answer the following questions:-                                                               3x2=6m
a. What is democracy? What is the age criterion to vote for an Indian citizen?
b. Why do we use energy? How can we help our body to regain the energy that is used?
c. Whom does Central Government look after? Why does Prime Minister select his council of ministers?    


Q-1) Fill in the blanks.
a) Fuels have __________energy locked in them.
b) Fuels are _________ substances that have energy stored in them.
c) The energy from moving water is used to produce __________     energy.
d) Food has energy stored in ___________ form.
e) ___________ energy helps you to hear.
Q-2) Define the following.
a) Work
b) Energy
c) Geo thermal energy
Q-3)Answer the following questions.
a) How much of Earth’s surface is covered with water?
b) Write the uses of Fuels.(coal,petroleum,oil,wood)
c) What is the meaning of interior of Earth?

d) Write applications of solar energy.

                              PODAR INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL
     Subject-EVS                   STD-4                  Topic- Force                          

 A. Fill in the blanks:-                                                                                      
 a. When a object is moved towards another object it is called pull.
 b. Force can make an object at rest move.
 c. Friction is more on a rough surface than on a smooth surface.
 d. The force exerted by an Earth on all the objects is called gravitational force.
 e. Muscular force is applied through muscles.

B. Write true or false :-
a. Force cannot change the shape of an object. False
b. To lift a box of apples we use muscular force. True
c. Water falls down from the tap due to elastic force. False
d. The force of friction allows moving object to slow down or stops moving. True
e. All the material eventually fell to the ground when thrown upwards. True

C. Give reasons:-
a. Fruit fall down from a tree onto the ground and not move upwards in the air.
Ans . Fruits fall down from a tree onto the ground and not move upwards in the air due to the gravitational force of the Earth.
b. The rubber bands changes their shape when they are stretched and regain it when they are released.
Ans.  The rubber band changes their shape when they are stretched and regain it again due to elastic force.
c. When the pencil box was gently pushed, it slid for some distance and stopped.
Ans. When the pencil box was gently pushed, it slid for some distance and stopped due to frictional force.
D. Answer the following question:-
a. Write the difference between muscular force and gravitational force.
 Ans. Muscular force is a force applied using parts of the body such as arms and legs whereas gravitational force is the force exerted by the Earth on all the objects.

b. What is frictional force? Give one example of frictional force in our daily life.
Ans. Frictional force is a force exerted by a surface as an object moves across it.                        
For example- to be written by students themselves

E. Observe the following pictures and identify if it is push or pull
a. Pull                                                                                        b. Pull
        c. Push                                                                                    
d.Push                                               e. Pull

STD:- IV                    SUB:- EVS                       CH:  GOVERNMENT
Q-1) Fill in the blanks.
a)      The process of choosing leaders is known election.
b)      The law making body is the legislature known as parliament.
c)      The Governor is the highest authority in state.
d)      All Indians citizens who have completed 18 years of ages can their leader.
e)      State government looks after individual state.
Q-2) Write true or false.
a)      President is the head of state. [ false ]
b)      The Panchayat Samiti is the government at district level.[ false ]
c)      The local self government body at bigger cities is known as municipal corporation.[ true ]
d)      Central government looks after the entire country.[true]
Q-3) Name the following.
a)      The government at village level.ans: Village panchayat
b)      Government at block level.ans:Panchayat samiti
c)      Government at district level.ans: Zilla parishad
d)      Local self government body at the smaller cities and towns.ans: Municipalities
Q-4) Answer the following questions.
a)      Define democracy.
Ans: A government of the people ,by the people and for the people is called democracy.
b)      What do you understand by a session?
Ans:-The period during which two houses conduct meetings is called session.
c)      State the composition of central government .
Ans: The central government consists of President,the vice president and the council of ministers headed by the Prime minister.
d)      Who is the highest authority in state?
Ans: Governor is the highest authority in state.
e)      What is municipality?
Ans:The local self-government body at smaller cities and towns is known as Municipality.
f)       Name the two houses of Indian parliament.
Ans: The two houses of Indian parliament are Lok sabha and Rajya sabha.
g)      What is the government at district level known as?

Ans:The Zilla parishad is the government at the distrct level.




Subject-EVS                   STD-4                  Topic- Industries in India

A. Fill in the blanks:-                                                                                     
a. Raw material is provided by  nature
b. We have three types of industries.
c. The process of converting raw materials into finished goods is known as manufacturing.
d. Handloom is an example of Cottage industry.
e. Shipping  is one of the large scale industries in Mumbai.

B. Write True or False:-                                                                                                   
a. Raw materials are sent to factories for processing. True
b. The finished goods are packaged and sent to the warehouses. True
c. Fruits and vegetables are finished goods. False
d. Worker does manual labour and get paid for his work. True
e. Thousands of people are employed in cottage industry. False

C. Answer the following questions:
a. Name two important industries found in India with their location.
Ans. Automobile manufacturing in Gurgaon, Jamshedpur, Nashik
b. Differentiate between cottage and small scale industries with examples.
Ans. Cottage industries are industries where people make different things in their own homes by employing very few people. For example- 
Whereas small scale industries are industries that employ more people as compared to cottage industry. For example                                                               
c. What are large scale industries? Give examples
Ans. Large scale industries are those industries that employ thousands of people and use large machines to produce large quantities of finished goods using huge amount of raw materials. For example – Iron  and  Steel, Automobile etc
d. How are goods processed?
Ans. At first the raw materials are collected from the farms and sent to the factories for processing. Then goods are manufactured with the help of these raw materials and finished goods are packaged and sent to the warehouse to be transported to different parts of the country. Finally, the manufactured goods reach the malls.
e. Why is tea bushes kept waist high in height? Name two states where tea is cultivated.
Ans. Tea bushes are hand picked and to make plucking task easier tea bushes are kept waist high in height.  The two states where tea is cultivated are Assam and Darjeeling



STD:- IV                    SUB:- EVS     CH: GOVERNMENT

Q-1) Fill in the blanks.

  1. The process of choosing leaders is known ________.
  2. The law making body is the legislature known as ______.
  3. The __________ is the highest authority in state.
  4. All Indians citizens who have completed ________ years of ages can their leader.
  5. State government looks after_________.

Q-2) Write true or false.

  1. President is the head of state.
  2. The Panchayat Samiti is the government at district level.
  3. The local self government body at bigger cities is known as municipal corporation.
  4. Central government looks after the entire country.

Q-3) Name the following.

  1. The government at village level.
  2. Government at block level.
  3. Government at district level.
  4. Local self government body at the smaller cities and towns.

Q-4) Answer the following questions.

  1. Define democracy.
  2. What do you understand by a session?
  3. State the composition of central government .
  4. Who is the highest authority in state?
  5. What is municipality?
  6. Name the two houses of Indian parliament.
  7. What is the government at district level known as ?


     Subject-EVS                   STD-4 Topic- Industries in India

 A. Fill in the blanks:-                                                                                      

 a. Raw material is provided by _________.

 b. We have ________ types of industries.

c. The process of converting raw materials into finished goods is known as __________.

d. Handloom is an example of _____________ industry.

e. ____________ is one of the large scale industries in Mumbai.

B. Write True or False:-                                                                                                    

a. Raw materials are sent to factories for processing.

b. The finished goods are packaged and sent to the warehouses

c. Fruits and vegetables are finished goods.

d. Worker does manual labour and get paid for his work.

e. Thousands of people are employed in cottage industry.

C. Answer the following questions:

a. Name two important industries found in India with their location.

b. Differentiate between cottage and small scale industries with examples.

c. What are large scale industries? Give examples

d. How are goods processed in an industry?

e. Why is tea bushes kept waist high in height? Name two states where tea is cultivated. 
     Subject-EVS                   STD-4 Topic- Plants make food

 A. Fill in the blanks:-                                                                                      
 a. During the process of photosynthesis oxygen is given out.
 b. Carbondioxide gas is released during the process of respiration.
 c. Glucose is formed during the process of photosynthesis.
 d. At night plants close the stomata and the process of food making stops.
 e. If the soil is dry the rate of photosynthesis will decrease.
B. Write True or False:-                                                                                                    
a. Sun is the source of light energy for the plants. True
b. All living things make their own food. False
c. Chlorophyll is present in roots of the plant. False
d. Like living beings plants also breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbondioxide. True
e. Oxygen gas is taken in during the process of respiration. True
C. Give reasons:- 
a. Plants cannot make their food at night.  
Ans. Plants cannot make their food at night due to the non availability of sunlight                                                                                                 
b. We must not sleep under a tree at night. 
Ans. We must not sleep under a tree at night because plants release excess carbondioxide at night which is harmful for human beings.
D. Name the following:-
 a. The green pigment present in leaves
Ans. Chlorophyll                                                                 
 b. The part of plant that absorbs water.
Ans. Root 
 c. The form in which food is formed during photosynthesis.  
Ans. Starch 
  d. The gas that is given out in the process of photosynthesis.
Ans. Oxygen                             
E. Answer the following questions:-
 a. What do you mean by germination?
Ans. Germination is the process by which a seed starts growing or developing into a new plant.
 b. Why are plants called producers?
Ans. Plants are the only living organisms that can prepare their own food and all other living organisms depend on plants directly or indirectly for their food. That is why plants are called producers.
 c. What does the plant do with the unutilised foods?
Ans. The unutilised foods are stored in the form of starch in different parts of the plants such as roots, stems, leaves, fruit and flowers.
 d. How do carbondioxide present in the air enters the leaves?
Ans. Carbondioxide present in the air enters the leaves through pores on their surface.
 e. What will happen to the rate of photosynthesis if there is less sunlight?
Ans. If there is less sunlight the rate of photosynthesis will decrease.
 f. Write the comparison between photosynthesis and respiration.
Ans. During the process of photosynthesis the carbon dioxide gas is taken in and oxygen gas is given out while during the process of respiration oxygen gas is taken in and carbon dioxide gas is given out.
 g. What does a leaf require to prepare food for the plant?
Ans. A leaf requires water, sunlight and carbondioxide to prepare food for the plant.

 h. Complete this equation:
  Carbondioxide + Water    in the presence of sunlight       Oxygen + Glucose


     Subject-EVS                   STD-4 Topic- Plants make food

 A. Fill in the blanks:-                                                                                      

 a. During the process of _______________ oxygen is given out.

 b. ______________ gas is released during the process of respiration.

 c. ___________ is formed during the process of photosynthesis.

 d. At ________ plants close the stomata and the process of food making stops.

 e. If the soil is dry the rate of photosynthesis will ____________.

B. Write True or False:-                                                                                                    

a. Sun is the source of light energy for the plants.

b. All living things make their own food.

c. Chlorophyll is present in roots of the plant.

d. Like living beings plants also breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbondioxide.

e. Oxygen gas is taken in during the process of respiration.

C. Give reasons:- 

a. Plants cannot make their food at night.                                                                                                   

b. We must not sleep under a tree at night. 

D. Name the following:-

 a. The green pigment present in leaves                                                                 

 b. The part of plant that absorbs water. 

 c. The form in which food is formed during photosynthesis.   

  d. The gas that is given out in the process of photosynthesis.                             

E. Answer the following questions:-

 a. What do you mean by germination?

 b. Why are plants called producers?

 c. What does the plant do with the unutilised food?

 d. How do carbondioxide enters the leaves?

 e. What will happen to the rate of photosynthesis if there is less sunlight?

 f. Write the comparison between photosynthesis and respiration.

 g. What does a leaf require to prepare food for the plant?

 h. Complete this equation:

  Carbondioxide + Water    in the presence of sunlight       Oxygen + __________

     Subject-EVS                   STD-4 Topic- Agriculture in India

 A. Fill in the blanks:-                                                                                      

 a. Groundnut oil is the staple oil used by the people of western part of 


 b. Farmer is a person who cultivates crop.

 c. The farmer sows the Kharif seeds in the monsoon season.

 d. Rajasthan is the largest producer of bajra in India

 e. Green Revolution was introduced in 1968.

B. Write True or False:-                                                                                                    

a. Jute is a food crop. False

b. India is the largest producer of millets in the world. True

c. Crops are grown only for the purpose of food. False

d. Hot and humid climate is favourable for cultivating tea. True

e. Organic farming protects fertility of soil. True

C. Give reasons:- 

a. Rajasthan is the largest producer of bajra in India.                                                                                                   

b. Tea plant needs running water for its growth. 

D. Name the following:-

 a. Two cash crops  

 Ans. Jute and cotton                                                                  

 b. Two rabi crops    

Ans. Wheat and Peas

 c. Two oilseeds       

 Ans. Mustard and Sesame

  d. Two cotton cultivating states    

Ans. Gujarat and Maharashtra

  e. Two coarse food grains.            

 Ans. Jowar and Ragi

  f. The golden fibre                          

 Ans. Jute

E. Answer the following questions:-

 a. Write two key characteristics of organic farming.
Ans. The key characteristics of organic farming are:-
  1. Protecting fertility of soils
  2. Control weed, diseases and pest by crop rotations, organic manuring, planting resistant varieties and minimal chemical intervention.
b. What type of climate is favourable for cultivating sugarcane? Name two  
    sugarcane producing states.
 Ans. High temperature with high rainfall is favourable for cultivating sugarcane. The two sugar producing states are Uttar Pradesh and Haryana.
 c. Why is water essential for crops? What are the sources of irrigation?
Ans. Water is essential for the germination of the crops. The sources of   irrigation are tube wells, hand pump, wells, pond, rivers, lakes, dams and canals.
 d. What is the favourable climate to grow rice crop? In which soil does it      grow?
 Ans. Rice is mainly grown in rain fed areas that receive heavy annual rainfall. It grows in hot and humid climate. Fertile alluvial soil is favourable for cultivating rice.
                         PODAR INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL

     Subject-EVS                   STD-4 Topic- Agriculture in India

 A. Fill in the blanks:-                                                                                      

 a. ____________ oil is the staple oil used by the people of western part of 


 b. __________ is a person who cultivates crop.

 c. The farmer sows the ____________ seeds in the monsoon season.

 d. _________ is the largest producer of bajra in India

 e. _________ Revolution was introduced in 1968.

B. Write True or False:-                                                                                                    

a. Jute is a food crop.__________

b. India is the largest producer of millets in the world._______

c. Crops are grown only for the purpose of food._______

d. Hot and humid climate is favourable for cultivating tea._________

e. Organic farming protects fertility of soil.___________

C. Give reasons:- 

a. Rajasthan is the largest producer of bajra in India.                                                                                                   

b. Tea plant needs running water for its growth. 

C. Name  the following:-

 a. Two cash crops                                                                   

 b. Two rabi crops

 c. Two oilseeds

 d. Two cotton cultivating states

 e. Two coarse food grains.

  f. The golden fibre

D. Answer the following questions:-

 a. Write two key characteristics of organic farming.

 b. What type of climate is favourable for cultivating sugarcane? Name two  

    sugarcane producing states.

 c. Why is water essential for crops? What are the sources of irrigation?

 d. What is the favourable climate to grow rice crop? In which soil does it      grow?




                                       PODAR INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL
     Subject-EVS                          STD-4                                 Total marks-15  

 A. Fill in the blanks:-                                                                                            2m
 a. Plants growing in hot deserts can store water in their fleshy stems.
 b. Lala Lajpat Rai was also called Punjab Kesari.
 c. The pitcher plant is a carnivorous plant.
 d. Maharana Pratap was the Rajput ruler of Mewar.

B. Write True or False:-                                                                                         2m                  
a. Babur was a Maratha ruler. False
b. Raja Ram Mohan Roy opposed the practice of Sati. True
c. Neem tree grows in cold region. False
d. Plants of plains have thick trunks. True

C. Give reasons:-                                                                                                    3m
a. Leaves of trees growing in rainforest have drip tip.
Ans. So that the rain drops run off quickly.
b. Plants of cold region have needle shaped leaves.
Ans.  Because it protects them from extreme cold.
c. A large variety of plants are found growing in plains.
Ans. Because plains are considered to be more fertile.

D. Answer the following questions:-                                                                   8m
a. When did medieval period of Indian History begin?
Ans. Medieval period begins with the invasion of Mahmud of Ghazni.
b. Name two plants that are found growing in the cracks of rocks.
Ans. Ferns and mosses are found growing in the cracks of rocks.
c. Why do plants such as cactus have thorn instead of leaves?
Ans. Leaves lose lots of water, so cactus have thorns instead of leaves to      
         reduce water loss
d. Write two properties of solid matter.
Ans. 1. Solid is rigid
         2. Solid has fixed shape and volume


                          PODAR INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL
     Subject-EVS                          STD-4                                 Total marks-15  

 A. Fill in the blanks:-                                                                                      2m
 a. Plants growing in hot deserts can store water in their ________ stems.
 b. Lala Lajpat Rai was also called Punjab _____________.
 c. The pitcher plant is a _______________ plant.
 d. Maharana Pratap was the Rajput ruler of _________.

B. Write True or False:-                                                                                     2m                  
a. Babur was a Maratha ruler.__________
b. Raja Ram Mohan Roy opposed the practice of Sati._______
c. Neem tree grows in cold region._______
d. Plants of plains have thick trunks._________

C. Give reasons:-                                                                                                    3m
a. Leaves of trees growing in rainforest have drip tip.
b. Plants of cold region have needle shaped leaves.
c. A large variety of plants are found growing in plains.

D. Answer the following questions:-                                                                   8m
a. When did medieval period of Indian History begin?
b. Name two plants that are found growing in the cracks of rocks.
c. Why do plants such as cactus have thorn instead of leaves?
d. Write two properties of solid matter.