

Ch – 1 Inside the Computer 

Textbook Exercise

                                               Workbook Answer


Ch – 2 Browsing the Internet

Textbook Answer

Workbook Answer


Ch – 4. Formatting Text in Open Office Writer

Textbook Answer

Workbook Answer



Ch -1 Inside the system unit

Textbook Answer

Workbook Answer

chapter 5 open office impress workbook


 ch 4   work book 

ch4 notes 



Video Link for solution of exercise:-
 Model notebook

Answer key of practice sheet

                                                               PRACTICE SHEET
GRADE : IV                      STUDENT NAME :                                                                  SUB : COMPUTER

Q.1 Select the correct option .
1) Identify  the timeline in the opening screen of Pivot Stick Figure animator .Identify its use.
a)      It lets you add frames
b)      It shows figure controls.
c)       It is used to show all the frames in the animation
d)      It lets you add background to the animation
2) Neha has created an animation in pivot animator. Which option will he use to show the animation from the beginning.
a)acx.jpg              b)aav.jpg              c)ax.jpg                    d)axx.jpg

Q. 2 Match the following options in Pivot Animator to its use.
Column A
       Column B
1)      Red handle
a)      Used to move the whole stick figure
2)      Orange handles
b)      Used to position the figures accurately by one pixel
3)      Arrow keys
c)       Rotate each segment of stick figure
Ans : 1) ->  (c)                    2) ->  (a)                    3) ->  (b)
Q.3 Answer in short.
1) What is use of ‘Loop’ in Pivot Animator.?
Ans   Loop is option in pivot Animator , it loop the animation while playing so that it starts playing from the beginning when it reaches the end .
Q.4 Answer the following.
1) Observe the image and explain the use of ‘Repeat’ option in frame control.
Ans :  By entering a value for each frame in repeat box ,we can slow down an animation without    creating duplicate frames.
2) Observe the following frames and write the steps to change the position of stick figure as shown in frame 2
Frame 1
Frame 2

Ans :  Step 1:  Click and drag the red handle at the end of each segment with the mouse cursor to rotate it around its pivot.
         Step 2 : Click and drag the orange origin handle to move the whole figure.
        Step 3 : Now click ‘Add Frame’ button to add it to the timeline .
                                    Answer key of Class Test
Q.1 Answer the following questions
a) How to open Pivot Animator?
Ans -> Double click on Pivot Animator icon to open Pivot Animator.
b) What is Pivot Animator ?
Ans -> Pivot animator is a user friendly software for creating 2D stick figure animations.
c) How  to  open Stick  Figure  Builder  Window?
Ans -> Step 1 : Click on the File menu option.
            Step 2 : Click on ‘ Create Figure Type ‘  to open the Stick Figure Builder Window .
Q.2 Write functions of following symbols .
a. ac.jpg - >    Adds a circle segment to the figure type.

b. ab.jpg-> Adds a line segment to figure type .

c. aa.png- >  Duplicates the selected segment.
Q.3 How to save animation in Pivot Animator.
Ans ->  Step 1 : Click the File Menu and Select ‘Save Animation’.
               Step 2 : The default file format is ‘pivot file ‘. This means you can load and edit your animations another time (.piv)
        Step 3 : Select ‘Export Animation’ if you want to save the image as an animated GIF file for the web page or an AVI video file.

Notes for First chapter Storage Devices of Computer given below