Time table of Periodic test 2
CBSE PORTION FOR EXAMINATIONS 2022-23 Std.: IV Subject: English | |
Term I | |
Periodic Test 1 [20 marks] Tentative date-30th June,2022 | |
Serial No. | Name of the Chapters |
1 | Reading Comprehension |
2 | Prose: The Happy Valley |
3 | Poem: Indian Weavers |
4 | Grammar: Nouns |
5 | Grammar: Singular and Plural Nouns |
6 | Grammar: Countable and Uncountable Nouns |
7 | Writing: Message Writing |
Half Yearly Examination [40 marks] Tentative date-15th Sept,2022 | |
Serial No. | Name of the Chapters |
1 | Reading Comprehension |
2 | Prose: Hero of Haarlem |
3 | Prose: Notes and Strokes |
4 | Poem: Twenty Froggies |
5 | Poem: Trees |
6 | Grammar: Pronouns |
7 | Grammar: Articles |
8 | Grammar: Adjectives |
9 | Grammar: Degrees of Comparison |
10 | Grammar: Verbs |
11 | Writing: Letter Writing |
12 | Writing: Key Idea and Supporting Details |
CBSE PORTION FOR EXAMINATIONS 2022-23 Std.: IV Subject: Hindi | |
Note: Topics from Leher Kahani Sangrah 4 will not be assessed in the tests or examinations. | |
Term I | |
Periodic Test 1 [20 marks] | |
Serial No. | Name of the Chapters |
पाठ | |
1 | खेलों में भारतीय महिलाएँ |
व्याकरण | |
1 | भाषा तथा व्याकरण |
2 | वर्ण-विचार |
जानकारी | |
1 | गिनती १ से ३० तक (शब्दों तथा अंकों में) |
Half Yearly Examination [40 marks] | |
Serial No. | Name of the Chapters |
पाठ | |
1 | भारतीय नृत्य |
कविता | |
1 | आ रही रवि की सवारी |
व्याकरण | |
1 | शब्द-विचार |
2 | संज्ञा |
3 | पर्यायवाची शब्द |
जानकारी | |
1 | गिनती ३१ से ४५ तक (शब्दों तथा अंकों में) |
रचना | |
1 | पत्र-लेखन |
CBSE PORTION FOR EXAMINATIONS 2022-23 Std.: IV Subject: Mathematics | |
Term I | |
Periodic Test 1 [20 marks] | |
Serial No. | Name of the Chapters |
1 | Ch 1: Numbers |
2 | Ch 2: Addition and Subtraction |
Half Yearly Examination [40 marks] | |
Serial No. | Name of the Chapters |
1 | Ch 3: Multiplication |
2 | Ch 10: Geometry |
3 | Ch 4: Division |
4 | Ch 5: Factors and Multiples |
Term I | |
Periodic Test 1 [20 marks] | |
Serial No. | Name of the Chapters |
1 | Ch. 6: Plants Make Food |
2 | Ch. 13: Maps and its Elements |
Half Yearly Examination [40 marks] | |
Serial No. | Name of the Chapters |
1 | Ch. 3: Animal Reproduction |
2 | Ch. 4: Adaptations in Animals |
3 | Ch. 15: Physical Divisions of India |
4 | Ch. 11: Air, Water and Weather |
CBSE PORTION FOR EXAMINATIONS 2022-23 Std.: IV Subject: Computer Studies | |
Term I | |
Periodic Test 1 [10 marks] | |
Serial No. | Name of the Chapters |
1 | Ch. 1: Inside the System Unit |
Half Yearly Examination [30 marks] | |
Serial No. | Name of the Chapters |
1 | Ch. 4: Formatting Text in OpenOffice Writer |
2 | Ch. 2: Browsing the Internet |